倉持の温泉たまご 地養卵を使用した温泉たまごになります。地養卵の甘味とコクも感じられる商品となっております。
KURAMOCHI SLOW-BOILED EGGS This is a slow-boiled egg made from Jiyouran eggs. Jiyouran eggs have a unique sweetness and rich flavor to them.
温泉たまご 蒸気加熱によってムラのない半熟卵を製造しています。半熟卵は消化に良いとされ、小さなお子様や高齢の方にもおすすめです。
SLOW-BOILED EGGS We produce evenly soft-boiled eggs using steam heating. Soft-boiled eggs are believed to be easier on the digestion, so they are particularly recommended for children and the elderly.


鳥羽田農場の平飼いたまご 6個・10個入り 多段式の平飼い鶏舎内を自由に動き回って育った鶏は、ストレスが少なく、食欲も旺盛。専用の巣箱で産まれた卵のコクと旨味は好評です。
TORIHATA FREE-RANGE EGGS PACK OF 6 OR 10 Our hens have the freedom to roam around in our tiered, free-range aviary, which reduces stress and increases their appetite. Eggs lain by hens in dedicated nest boxes are popular for their rich flavor.


地養卵 地養卵の最大の特徴は、餌に含まれる木酢によって卵臭さが少ないこと。また地養素に含まれるヨモギや海藻の成分で、甘みとコクを感じます。
JIYOURAN EGGS The foremost feature of Jiyouran eggs is that the citrus juice used in the feed cuts unpleasant aftertastes from the eggs. In addition, the mugwort and seaweed used in the feed enhance the sweetness and richness of the product.
ネット地養卵 地養卵の卵を従業員が手作業で一つ一つ愛情を込め、ネットに詰め生産した商品です。
NET JIYOURAN EGGS Each egg is packed by hand by our staff into nets.  


ハーブの輝き マリーゴールドの花弁抽出液を餌に配合することで、生の状態も加熱後も色鮮やかで食欲を刺激します。
A TOUCH OF HERBAL SPARKLE Blending marigold flower petal extract into the feed keeps the yolks looking vivid both when raw and after cooking, stimulating the appetite.
海の宝 餌に魚粉と魚油を含んでいるためDHAが通常の卵の約5倍多く含まれいます。DHAを無理なく、美味しく摂りたい方に人気の卵です。
TREASURE OF THE SEA Because our feed contains fish meal and fish oil, the DHA content in our eggs is about 5 times that found in normal eggs. This is a popular egg for those seeking an easy way to add DHA to their diet while still enjoying the flavor.
筑波の黄味じまん 黄味のハリが自慢の卵です。餌にビタミンEを配合し通常の卵の10倍多くビタミンEが含まれています。 
TSUKUBA YOLK JIMAN This egg is all about the robust yolk. The feed is made with Vitamin E, so the eggs contain ten times more than normal eggs.
農場こだわりの濃い黄味 黄身の色が非常に濃い卵になります。濃いオレンジ色の黄身は卵かけご飯で一度食べて頂きたい商品です。
OUR FARM’S COMMITMENT TO RICH ORANGE YOLKS These eggs have an extremely deep and rich color. The yolks are almost orange in color and are perfect for being served raw over rice.