
Kuramochi pursues safety, quality, and peace of mind and aims to be a company trusted by the consumer. We employ strict quality management and have a dedicated quality management division at our headquarters. This allows us to work in conjunction with public institutions to perform tests more regularly. Logging and retaining records of test results allows us to draw on past experience to continue making daily improvements.


手指の消毒 作業場に入る時は衣服、履物を変え、手指を消毒しています。
HAND DISINFECTION Before entering into any work sites, personnel change their clothes and shoes and disinfect their hands.
エアーシャワー GPセンターなどの工場内に入る時はエアーシャワーをあび、徐塵を行います。
AIR SHOWER Personnel are subject to an air shower to remove dust and impurities before entering the GP Center and other plant facilities.
温度管理 温度管理はタマゴの品質を維持するために重要なポイント。1日に4回計測し、記録しています。
THERMAL CONTROL Thermal control is essential to maintaining the quality of eggs. We measure and log the temperature four times daily.
細菌検査 タマゴの中身の検査は公的機関はもちろん、自主的にも実施しています。安心はきめ細かな検査にも裏付けされます。
MICROBIAL INSPECTION We perform tests on the interior of our eggs both voluntarily and with public testing institutions. The peace of mind our products offer is borne out in the detailed tests we conduct.
検査記録の保存 工場の生産環境、原料の鮮度、菌の状態等様々な角度からタマゴをチェックします。チェックした記録は一定期間保存しています。
STORAGE OF TEST RECORDS We check the eggs through various vectors that include the production climate, freshness of ingredients, and presence of microbes. After being logged, records are stored for a predetermined period of time.
鶏舎清掃 鶏舎は床・壁・天井まできれいに清掃されています。
POULTRY HOUSE CLEANING The coops are thoroughly cleaned top to bottom, including the floor, walls, and ceilings.
サルモネラ検査 ヒナは導入前にサルモネラ検査を実施しています。
SALMONELLA TEST Chicks are tested for Salmonella prior to being introduced to the aviary.
エサの管理 エサのサルモネラ検査を実施。製造日付、ロットNo、入荷量も記録しています。
FEED MANAGEMENT We perform Salmonella tests of our feed. We record the date of manufacture, the lot number, and the quantity received.


液卵検査 一般生菌、大腸菌群検査、サルモネラ菌検査、黄色ブドウ球菌、セレウス菌
LIQUID EGG TEST General bacteria, E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus
卵質検査 卵重、卵黄色、卵白高、ハウユニット等を農場ごとに測定し、卵の品質を確認しています。
EGG QUALITY TEST We test egg weight, yolk color, egg white height, Haugh unit, and other values on a per-farm basis to check egg quality.


温泉たまご 1ヶ月に5回検査を実施。

SLOW-BOILED EGG We perform five tests monthly.
(General bacteria, E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus)
拭き取り検査 GPセンターは、各製造ラインの拭き取り検査を定期的に実施。

WIPING TEST The GP Center periodically performs wipe tests on all production lines.
(General bacteria, E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus)
鶏舎の環境検査 2ヶ月に1回、自社農場と契約農場の鶏糞、埃のサルモネラ検査を実施しています。
ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING OF POULTRY HOUSES Bi-monthly, we perform tests of chicken feces and dirt at our in-house and contract farms for the presence of Salmonella.
成分検査 特殊卵の栄養成分検査を外部機関に委託。

COMPONENT TEST We outsource testing of the nutritional content of our special eggs to external institutions.
*A test of Vitamin E and DHA content.
水質検査 GPセンター、自社農場、契約農場の地下水及び貯水の水質を検査します。
WATER QUALITY TEST We perform tests of the underground water and reservoir water quality at the GP Center, our farms, and contract farms we work with.
抗生物質検査 年に1回、自社農場、契約農場の卵を外部検査機関に委託。
ANTIBIOTIC TEST Once a year, we send eggs from our in-house and contract farms to third-party testing centers.
パック卵製品検査 毎月、卵内、卵殻表面の検査を実施。

PACKED EGGSHELL TEST We perform an inspection of eggshells and egg interiors each month.
(General bacteria, E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, aerobic heat-resistant bacteria)
従業員の検便 全事業所において検査を実施。

EMPLOYEE STOOL SAMPLES We perform tests at all of our sites of business.
(Shigella, Salmonella, typhoid fever, paratyphoid, enterohemorrhagic E. coli)